The immune quintile - the five oils

Nutrition Supplement
Which is not a cure

World Renewal
Dietary supplements

A breakthrough in the field
Natural Medicine

The naturopaths recommend
to use


A natural dietary supplement for the first time in one composition, easy and convenient to use, various medical problems can be overcome,
Strengthen the immune system and significantly improve emotional resilience.
The “Five Oils” dietary supplement is extracted 100% from roots and seeds (fennel, ginger, turmeric, pomegranate and cinnamon) that give the body the ultimate complex for regular maintenance, prevention and overcoming actual problems.
The combination of the five fennel ginger oils, turmeric, pomegranate and cinnamon and the body’s quick absorption ability that hemp oil provides help strengthen the body’s immune system! Without any addition ..
In addition to the essential minerals and vitamins in the formula, we have created a winning combination of omegas! {9, 6, 5, 3}
For amazing strengthening of the immune system!

Taking essential oils, which we will simply call oils, has been a long-standing tradition throughout the world.

From the moment man learned to take plant parts and perform a refining process in them, which expels the ingredients from the plant using water vapor into an aqueous and fatty phase, he discovered the medicinal potential of these mixtures.

Common uses have been applying to the skin in different places, consumption by eating and applying the oil in different perforations in the body.

Apart from being an effective treatment tool in the ancient world, modern science also foresaw the potential of the distilled blends from the plants.

An exclusive field in the world called aromatherapy, devotes most of its efforts to searching for plants from which the oil extracted causes therapeutic effects in the human body, to a large variety of ailments with an emphasis on the immune aspect of the oils.

The term immunity actually speaks of a preventative action, by taking medications to prevent infection or development of a disease.

One of the first vaccinations performed was performed by Edward Jenner, who injected the body of a poor and healthy child with smallpox lesions.

After a certain period he injected smallpox lesions into it, and to his delight discovered that the child had not contracted the disease.

Thus was born the first medical vaccine, but peoples all over the world have used herbs as a way of routine to vaccinate the body against various diseases and today, the amount of research supporting these traditions is only piled up.

The immune quintet – the mixture of the five oils EVOLUTION, includes five types of oils derived from seeds and roots, each of which has unique properties and the content of substances that have effects on the body.

When we talk about the properties of the ingredients, we will refer to the benefit that comes from them during illness, but it is important to note that the best treatment against diseases is their prevention! Therefore persistence of taking is the key factor in preserving the body’s immunity.

In general, the constituents of oils are fatty compounds, terpenes, tocopherols, polyphenols and sterols.

The variety of compounds varies between the oils from different sources, so we will go over the same sources and look at evidence from studies around the world that reinforce the claim towards their different properties.

Fennel oil, or fennel seed oil, comes from varieties of the cannabis plant Sativa, which contains extremely low amounts of the psychoactive ingredient THC, and is intended for use in the textile and nutrition industries.

Its unique seeds contain essential fatty acids, such that the body is unable to produce when the most prominent are linoleic acid, which also becomes alpha linoleic and gamma linoleic.

These acids, which exist in the carbon tail of several double bonds between carbon atoms, turn them into polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFA, with alpha and gamma acids among them, rich in omega-3 bonds (carbon double bond 3 in the acid tail), have been reported to have the ability to curb cancer and tumors, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, normalize body fat metabolism, reduce insulin dependence in diabetes, increase metabolism Including and also showing anti-inflammatory properties especially in the context of arthritis.

Immune Five – Similar fatty acids appear in pomegranate seed oil, mainly as omega-5 ponic acid, and cinnamon oil.

Because of the importance of essential fatty acids and because of the nature and amount of their presence in the oil, it was decided to include the three sources.

It is worth noting that the ratio in which the acids appear in cinnamon, fennel and pomegranate, 1: 3 between linoleum and alpha linoleum, respectively, is an ideal ratio for maintaining the integrity of fat metabolism in the body.

Tocopherols, found in all oils in EVOLUTION, are a large group of compounds collectively referred to as vitamin E.

Although on its own, vitamin E does not show special activity in the body and may even cause unwanted side effects, but its incorporation into the diet as a dietary supplement, has shown certain values ​​as an antioxidant and protection against free radicals.

Terpenes are an extensive family of strong-smelling compounds used by plants for protection against pests and for their intra-vegetative activities.

Sasquiterpenes are a family of terpenes and exist in different configurations in oils of different sources.

Caryophyllene is a sesquiterpene found in fennel seeds, cinnamon, pomegranate, ginger root and also turmeric, and is associated with studies that indicate activity as a painkiller, neuroprotective (preserves nerve health), anti-anxiety and depression and even prevents alcoholism. Through the endocannabinoid system, the substance is able to make these changes and improve with health.

Ginger and turmeric contain the compounds zingibren and tormaron, have shown antiviral properties, protection against ulcers and soothing of abdominal pain due to gas in the gastrointestinal tract.

The immune quintet – polyphenols such as curcumin in the root of turmeric, tannin in pomegranate seeds, gingerol in ginger, and a huge number found in cinnamon as well as fennel, are powerful antioxidants and have shown in many studies various properties for prevention and treatment of various conditions such as atherosclerosis, cholesterol lowering And blood pressure and prevention of various cancers, infections, brain degeneration, weight gain and diabetes.

The properties resulting from any type of polyphenol and even in combinations together carbohydrates, fats and proteins alter their activity.

The constituents of the oils are fatty compounds, terpenes, tocopherols, polyphenols and sterols.

Fennel oil – (fennel seeds) contains omegas 3,6,9 in one molecule from nature.
In addition, it contains fiber, amino acids, carbohydrates and protein, in addition to vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, and calcium (a natural multivitamin) that excels in maximum absorption in the human body.
The oil contains the ideal 3: 1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.
Unlike flax, fennel has super omega-3 (SDA) and super omega-6 (GLA) values, which can help the body metabolize metabolism.

The benefits of ginger oil-is one of the world’s most common taste enhancers, it is not surprising that the health benefits of ginger root are among the most impressive in the world. This root is very versatile and very easy to use and has been associated with a very wide range of contributions to body health.
Its many benefits stem from many antioxidant compounds present in it, as well as a series of natural phenolic compounds, which are highly potent for treating a variety of physical disorders. If the word phenol feels alien to you, you are invited to read the article What is phenol at all, and to know a whole world of special compounds with different properties.

As a general rule, the ginger root also has known nutritional values, and in 100 grams of ginger we can find 80 calories, 17.8 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of protein, 0.7 grams of fat, 2 grams of dietary fiber, and a rich variety of minerals, Metals and vitamins such as copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, niacin, phosphates and vitamin B6.

What distinguishes the oil mixture is its high content, up to 90% Saskatriptan, which are organic organic molecules of the family of the prey, which occur in plants and insects, and possess special properties in the field of body immunity. Other compounds, such as the phenolic Gingerol compound, have been clinically diagnosed and offered as part of the diet on a regular basis. Let’s look at the properties of ginger oil, and we’ll understand why we decided to put the ginger oil in one of the five oils in the EVOLUTION mixture.

The benefits of ginger oil-

Helps with breathing disorders – The chemical composition of ginger oil helps to remove mucus that accumulates in the throat and lungs, and is known as a natural remedy for overcoming spasms and drowsiness, natural cough treatment, help in relieving asthma symptoms, natural bronchitis and shortness of breath. Because of the oily nature of ginger oil, a state of signaling from the oil to the body increases the amount of secretions in the airways, which help lubricate the living areas.
Several studies have shown that ginger oil can be used as a natural remedy for asthma patients. The outbreak of asthma is considered an inflammatory response, so ginger oil can reduce the swelling in the lungs and helps in the opening of the airways.

Reducing inflammation – As we have noted, the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger oil also affect other areas of inflammation. Inflammation is the natural response of the immune system to foreign substances that can cause damage to the body. In cases of hyperactivity, the immune system can also attack healthy cells. These are cases that describe the diseases of muscular dystrophy and leaky bowel syndrome, as well as celiac and irritable bowel syndrome. The addition of food sources with anti-inflammatory properties can prevent and improve the condition of the body during inflammation.
The part of ginger root oil that is responsible for anti-inflammatory properties is an enzyme called a zinjibain. This enzyme provides pain relief and helps to treat muscle pain, arthritis, migraines and even works as a headache remedy. The oil is thought to have the ability to lower levels of prostaglandins (a type of hormone) in the body, which are expressed in processes that create the sense of pain.

Contains high levels of antioxidants – Ginger root contains very high amounts of antioxidants. This diverse group of compounds is capable of activities that prevent damage from the oxidation of substances in our bodies. These substances, called free radicals, can cause inflammation and, in severe cases, cancer.
Science books and research have found that ginger oil can reduce stressors (excess of compounds containing oxygen and decompose creates excess free radicals) associated with older ages, and actually reduce stress. When treated with ginger oil, you can see a reduction in the oxidation of fats in the body, thus helping the body fight the damage caused by free radicals

Cancer research – the group of severe diseases, cancer, are the leading cause of death in the world and therefore the subject employs the best researchers, to find drugs that are accompanied by a minimum amount of side effects. Ginger root has also been studied in the context of cancer.
Studies on the various compounds in ginger oil have examined their anticancer activities. This activity is often associated with the antioxidant effects of ginger and zerobone, which are found in ginger oil. According to one study, these compounds succeeded in preventing the oxidation of cancer cells and effectively silenced a protein involved in various cancers such as pancreatic, lung, kidney, and skin cancers.
Ginger root oil has also been reported to inhibit the growth of skin tumors in mice, especially when gingerol has been prescribed. Therefore, these substances have therapeutic potential for cancer.

Improvement of Liver Functions – The damage caused to the liver by drinking heavily causes the liver to become oily, and in severe cases liver cirrhosis and cancer are also caused. According to one of the science journals related to food and agriculture chemistry, ginger oil can contribute to improving liver health.
In one study, ginger oil was injected into mice with an alcoholic fatty liver every day for four weeks. The researchers concluded that the treatment had effects that helped protect the liver. After alcohol was administered to mice, the amounts of metabolites (toxic metabolites) increased, but then returned to their normal levels.
Other beneficial effects of ginger oil are also expressed in support of digestion and relief of digestive disorders, cures infections and reduces inflammation, strengthens the heart-lung system, reduces pain and menstrual pain, relieves anxiety and even stimulates sexual desire.

This variety of qualities, which are just the tip of the iceberg, convinced us to put the ginger root oil as one of the five oils in EVOLUTION. Along with the combination of Hemp seed oil, Chia, Pomegranate and Turmeric root, provide a protective umbrella that can boost the immunity of the body. The combination of the five oils makes better absorption of each of the oils in the body, as they feel better about the medicinal effects of ginger oil and the four other compounds, according to the authors.

For the details and purchase of the Five Fatty Evolution supplement click here

Here it is worth noting that the taking of any supplement in any form which is, must be accompanied by consultation with the family doctor

Curcumin root oil
Turmeric oil = Curcumin oil
Curcumin oil – made of turmeric root, holds invaluable medical properties and is generally recommended to be placed in any menu. The oil has been shown to be effective in a wide variety of unwanted physical manifestations including infections, cancer and many other diseases. After looking at the impressive number of health benefits, you can also understand why the turmeric oil enters the five oils mixture EVOLUTION, developed carefully and selectively.
The root of the turmeric plant has been used throughout human history when its origin in Asia explains why it is so prevalent in the kitchen of almost every nation on the continent. However, the turmeric root is loaded with nutrients and special active compounds, thus providing high physical immunity to people who consume it regularly.
Turmeric oil is obtained by distilling steam from the root, and contains very high amounts of Saskatripen (natural organic compounds of the family of predators, which occur in plants and insects, and possess special properties in the field of body immunity), zingibern, curcumin and a wide variety of compounds that have positive effects on health Man. Let us look together at the many advantages of this plant.

The benefits of turmeric oil
Improving body immunity – One of the most prominent components of the root, curcumin, has been reported in the Italian biochemistry journal that it activates the release of the organic compound bilorubin, which is a powerful antioxidant responsible for strengthening the immune system and also helps to coat the stool! Regular intake of turmeric oil increases the amount of active ingredients of the root in the body, thus helping to keep up against undesirable effects.

Detoxification- One of the organs that works in our body overtime is the liver. It works without interruption to neutralize food and toxins, and to turn them into compounds that the body works with and which are not dangerous to it. Here too, turmeric oil showed defensive abilities on the liver. In a study published on liver health, it was concluded that turmeric oil protected the liver against the effects of a highly potent toxin called methotrexate, and actively helped to purify the liver from the toxicity of the substance. In this study, the active ingredient in aromatic turmeric, is linked to having defensive activity on the liver.

Fighting Cancer – In the medical world, cancer research is among the most developed in the field. Any direction that provides an effective cure for this group of diseases is a blessing. Curcum oil is also investigated in a branch, with reference to it already as a medicine. A 2006 study of 44 male patients with colon lesions that can develop very quickly into cancer found that 4 grams of turmeric a day helped reduce wound levels by 40 percent. One of the study’s conclusions was that curcumin’s ability to kill cancer cells rather than normal cells makes it a preferred candidate for drug development. In addition, promising research in the field, which studies the effects of curcumin along with torramons, which are active ingredients in turmeric oil, silences colorectal cancer from laboratory mice.

Improvement for Alzheimer’s and Neurological Diseases – In the process of Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative diseases (including the destruction of other nerve cells), nerve cells die as a result of many different factors, including the damage of time in adulthood or traumas in the head area. One of the factors influencing the growth of neurons (neurons) is the BDNF, or long-acting neurotrophic factor derived from the brain. Decreased levels of this hormone in the body, linked with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and depression. Many studies have sought to examine the effects of curcumin on neurons and nervous systems, they found to their surprise that the compound can raise the levels of BDNF in the brain.

Fighting infections- although short term infections are essential for the health of the body to fight infections, chronic infections can cause irreversible damage to people and, in severe cases, serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer. One of the studies that examined the effects of curcumin, found that it is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent which is capable of dealing with infections at the molecular level. Curcumin manages to block the protein array NF-kB, which is responsible for the transcription of DNA in cells that trigger inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: The curcumin of potent potency of effective anti-inflammatory drugs, with no side effects.
Turmeric oil contains large quantities of curcumin, and gives it rare resistance to inflammation. In doing so, consumption of the oil may improve conditions of chronic diseases, joint pain and joints, muscle pain, gout, pain and gastrointestinal tract associated with inflammation.

Curcumin oil –Medical research shows a wide range of beneficial effects of turmeric oil in the areas of heart, skin, brain, teeth and even herpes. Now you also understand that the status of turmeric oil in the mixture of five oils EVOLUTION, is necessary. After conducting a comprehensive study, we found that this compound is also essential for immunity and body health, so we decided to add it as one of the winning quintet of active oils and healers

For the details and purchase of the Five Fatty Evolution supplement click here

Many testimonials from users of EVOLUTION have flooded the issue of the winning combination of each of the oils. The use of each of the oils separately, the combination of the five combined, with an emphasis on the absorption capacity of the hydrogen oil, succeeded in passing the positive effects of all other oils, including turmeric oil. We strongly advise you to consult with your GP before taking any supplements, in one form or another.

Pomegranate Seed Oil – The fruit of the pomegranate tree is one of the most important symbols in Judaism, and not just. Its seeds have been used for religious ceremonies and medical treatments since ancient times. The seeds are nice to eat, but there are those who grind or squeeze into the juice, with one fruit containing more than 600 seeds and a small number of donations to body immunity!
In addition, the pomegranate seeds are also used for the production of oil, even with many health benefits, external and internal body. Half a cup of grains contains 16.3 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of protein, 3.5 grams of fiber, 11.9 grams of sugar, 14.3 micrograms of vitamin K, 8.9 milligrams of vitamin C, 33 micrograms of folic acid, 205 milligrams of potassium, 31 milligrams of phosphates and a small amount of vitamin B6.
Pomegranate Seed Oil – The great properties of pomegranate seed oil have attracted our attention in the development of the EVOLUTION mixture of oils. After studying the various effects of oil on the human body, we decided that it would be a pillar in the mixture, and therefore an integral part of the immune process.

The many benefits of pomegranate seed oil are expressed in the following areas, according to recent studies:
Reduces arthritis pain – Arthritis, which causes stiffness in the area, swelling and pain, can be paralyzing and worsen with age. The difficulty in recovering from arthritis is accompanied by strong anti-inflammatory drugs with multiple side effects. Pomegranate seed oil contains compounds called flavonoids, which are phenolic compounds found naturally in plants and fruits. Pomegranate Seed Oil – If you want to know more about phenolic compounds, you can look at the article What is phenol at all? Flavonoids are natural and effective antioxidants in cases of arthritis, and act as anti-inflammatory agents

Blood pressure reduction – Also, the juice produced from the pomegranate seeds contains bioactive polyphenols (which work with the body’s systems), which have been reported to maintain the health of the heart, including blood pressure, through several systems. One of the latest studies in the field concluded that consumption of pomegranate juice should be taken into account in diet and medical terms in cases of high blood pressure. Another study, published in a biologic journal, found that pomegranate juice is a dietary supplement with positive effects on high blood pressure, and reported a drop in blood pressure after two weeks of daily consumption.

Fighting Cancer- Cancer research is among the most advanced in the medical world, especially in view of the increasing number of cases worldwide. Many lives are picked up because of cancer, but spur researchers to find new ways to fight. Over the last decade, the number of studies showing that pomegranate seeds are anti-cancer foods has increased, with pomegranate seeds showing anti-tumor activity in studies on a variety of cancer cells. Several studies have shown that pomegranate extracts inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, and even promote apoptosis, which is cell death. In addition, pomegranate oil contains ponin, a polyunsaturated fatty acid of the omega-5 fatty acids, which is a very strong antioxidant that showed inhibitory abilities in the development of breast cancer cells.

Pomegranate Seed Oil – Other studies suggest that taking pomegranate may slow the growth of prostate cancer, one of the most difficult cancers for men. In a study of recurrent prostatic cancer patients and progesterone-specific prostate (PSA), a drug that stimulates inflammation and increases the recurrence of prostatic prostate cancer, it appears that repeated ingestion of pomegranate juice significantly reduced PSA growth rate. Other studies have found that various compounds in pomegranate seeds have anti-tumor properties and inhibit the growth of cancer cells in laboratory conditions.

Improving Memory Capabilities- OMEGA 5 Polyphenols are among the compounds reported as memory enhancers, according to several studies. In fact, some research suggests that pomegranate polymers have long-term effects on memory damage caused by heart surgery. An experimental group that consumed the pomegranate seed showed improved post-operative memory in all areas of the test, with emphasis on long-term memory retention features. Another study conducted on subjects suffering from memory problems showed that the consumption of pomegranate juice for a period of four weeks showed a significant improvement in the visual and verbal memory markers. Compared to the placebo group.

Resistance to bacterial infections – substances found in pomegranate oil, such as fonionic acid, alginic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids and many other compounds have anti-inflammatory properties. Unsurprisingly, the use of ancient bromine for the treatment of diseases is backed by current research, which suggests that pomegranate seeds stimulate the bacteria in our bodies, and enhance their beneficial effects against bacterial infections.

Strengthening the heart  – Heart disease can be severe, sudden and deadly. Preventive care can save lives and bring the standard of living, young and old alike, to a good and vital level. A study of the pomegranate seeds found that patients with arteriosclerosis reduced their blood supply by 12% and showed a 30% reduction in plaque level in the arteries. In contrast, participants who did not take the pomegranate seeds showed a 9% increase in plaques. The team concluded that consumption of pomegranate seeds lowered arterial plaques, blood pressure, and LDL oxidation levels (“bad cholesterol”).

Pomegranate Seed Oil – In this article, you share the sensational discoveries we found when we developed the mixture of the five oils EVOLUTION. Each ingredient in the mixture has a strong and positive effect on the immunity and health of the human body, and therefore it was decided to introduce it exclusively. Evidence from users of the mixture reveals that the combination of the various oils helps to bring the active ingredients in each of them more effectively, thus increasing the impact of each and every one.
For the details and purchase of the Five Fatty Evolution supplement click here

It should be noted that the consumption of any dietary supplement, in one form or another, requires consultation with the family doctor.

Cinnamon oil – (cinnamon seeds) contains good fatty acids for the body omega 3 and 6 in addition to dietary fiber, phenolic components such as zinc and various minerals

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